“The only ones among you who will really be happy
are those who have sought and found how to serve”
– Albert Schweitzer
Your level of
selfishness will be increasing in a geometric form, if you always think about
your needs before you stretch a helping hand to others. The joy of living is
not on what we receive but what we give out. Anyone who disputes this claim
only live in their own world of happiness without trying what is out there.
They believe they are an island, but forget they consume 99.9% more than what
they produce, if at all they produce. Want to prove this wrong or right, try to
always serve or help people one way or the other, then live by your outcome.
Carl Reilland
says, “In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy.” We are
all guilty of this golden rule out of ignorant. “If you can help enough people
to get what they want, you will not be found wanting” says Zig Ziglar. The
problem is that right from childhood we are taught to always receive rather
than giving. The world will be better if we all believe in serving rather than
waiting to be served. Always give what you desire to have. If you want people
to always smile at you, you cannot afford to always frown all the time. Whatever
you give always come back to you in multiple folds. This even makes more sense
if you think about people who are truly wealthy around the world. They amass
the wealth by helping millions and billions of people freely or for a token.
John Manson believes,
“Each human being presents us with an opportunity to serve. Everybody needs
help from somebody.” Helping or serving others is not about what you have, we
all have what we can give out or what someone need if we are living and
healthy. Those who eventually become the leader are those who are wise enough
to believe in the principle of servanthood.
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