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19 November 2017


“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

 Do you know that change, no matter how small is important to achieve your dream? John Mason says “the road to success is always under construction”. You cannot become what you want to be by remaining who you are. It is impossible to grow without change. To some extent, another name for success is change.

Have you ever think about this; The word achievement is related to those who change the way we do things, and those who make positive change to the world generally or rather do things differently from the way things are been done.

Change is always knocking at our door with lot of goodies; it’s only the wise ones that will invite him in. Don’t be among the people who will only accept change, not because they want to utilize it to grow but because they fill the heat.

If it is true that idea rules the world; in the book of success, idea is a change away. You can change the world if only you can start with yourself. Believe me, if you are allergy to change, then success can never be your friend. Start changing now.

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