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19 November 2017

Are Your Goals Big Enough to Motivate You?

“If necessity is the mother of invention, then goals must be the father” - Michael Leboeuf.”

Research has prove that those who set and write down there goals achieve much more than those who set goals but never write it down which also achieve more than those who never set goals at all. The last set of people believes success is co-incidental or rather they take whatever life gives to them. This set of people neither has a focus of ability nor determine to achieve anything at a set period of time. Consider it this way according to Napoleon Hill, “A person without a definite major goals is as helpless as a ship without a rudder” If only you don’t want to get lost in this big thing call life like a ship without a rudder in a big water called sea, then start setting goals and write it down.

Your goals must be realistic, but big enough to inspire you to take extra action to achieve what ordinarily you cannot achieve. Spirella said “there is no thrill in easy sailing when skies are clear and blue; there is no joy in merely doing things which any man can do. But there is some satisfaction that is mighty sweet to take when you reach a destination that though you would never make”. Goals setting go a long way to differentiate achievers from ordinary men. And achieving great goals generate satisfaction to the achievers life.

Greg Anderson says: “When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning by dreams that need completion by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.” One way to determine to what extent one enjoy the life he lives is a meaningful goal he set and achieves. Motivating goals can help individuals achieve unexpected things that sound miraculous in his life. The purpose of goals is to inspire and motivate, while setting goals when you know they can be easily achievable.

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